We work with a wide range of different people, artists, partner organisations, freelancers and facilitators to deliver a broad programme of work covering many different art forms.

We divide our work into four main categories:

  1. Looked after children
    We devise and run multidisciplinary arts projects and create training packages for our emerging artists, key staff and young people.
  2. Rural
    We create innovative arts projects with rural communities is Cumbria
  3. Film
    We use film and digital media in most of our work programmes, but we specialise in the production of professional documentary films, often with social care content.
  4. Training - we offer training and mentoring in our pedagogical techniques of working with looked after children and vulnerable young people to artists, care staff and local authorities.

Our process

We are an artist-led company, and all of our work is original.

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Since we began working with young people who are looked after we have been analysing and developing our own techniques - studying what has worked for us, helped young people develop and speak for themselves and sometimes even enhance their lives.

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What we offer

We like to work across many art forms - music, film, theatre, textiles — we choose from a palette of skills depending on what our participants are interested in. We often work together to plan and implement projects. Whatever we are working on we aim for our work to be inspiring, life enhancing, a learning experience and great fun.

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"We set out to empower children through the arts, and in the process changed ourselves."

Senior Foster Care Services manager