We are currently shooting a half hour documentary following the stories of several young people as they go through this revolutionary new foster care support programme, brought over to the UK from Oregon, USA. This will be a broadcast quality film. Excerpts have already received a premier screening in New York in Spring 2013. We are continuing to film and just about to start on a new site.

This year we are following the stories of several young people as they commence journey through this radical programme. Shooting has already taken place in Oxford. The film will feature interviews with key professional staff in the UK as well Dr Phil Fisher, a professor from the founding team from Oregon, USA

08 December 2012

Posted by Tim Fleming


New backing track for part of our current documentary for MTFC - still shooting the film but started on some tunes anyway!

Its also for Flo to dance to ...

"This is more than just an activity they can get involved in — they are writing their own songs, making their own videos, learning how to express themselves. It’s given them a new way of life."

Foster Carer