Since we began working with young people who are looked after we have been analysing and developing our own techniques - studying what has worked for us, helped young people develop and speak for themselves and sometimes even enhance their lives.

We have honed these ideas into a unique methodology which we deliver through our mentoring and training programme.

Over the past six years we have worked with Professor Pat Petrie from the Thomas Coram Research Unit (at the Institute of Education, UCL) and the National Children's Bureau developing an Artist Pedagogue framework based around our ethos and methodology.

More recently we have been researching the work of Social Pedagogues in Denmark and studying how this relates to our own work in the UK. As a result of this research we have refined the framework to crystallise our ethos. We use this as a central tool in our training programme.

We are available to work with artists, Children's Services core staff, senior managers, corporate parents, elected members and local authorities to deliver training around working in a pedagogical way with looked after children and the services designed to help improve outcomes for looked after children.

Our process

We are an artist-led company, and all of our work is original.

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What we offer

We like to work across many art forms - music, film, theatre, textiles — we choose from a palette of skills depending on what our participants are interested in. We often work together to plan and implement projects. Whatever we are working on we aim for our work to be inspiring, life enhancing, a learning experience and great fun.

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Who we work with

We work with a wide range of different people, artists, partner organisations, freelancers and facilitators to deliver a broad programme of work covering many different art forms.

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"This is more than just an activity they can get involved in — they are writing their own songs, making their own videos, learning how to express themselves. It’s given them a new way of life."

Foster Carer